Laundry Pick-Up & Delivery Service in Pinellas Park, FL

Welcome to Easy Kleen Laundromat, your go-to solution for hassle-free laundry pickup and delivery service in Pinellas Park, FL. Tired of spending your precious time on laundry chores? Let us handle it for you!

Our pickup and delivery service is designed with your convenience in mind, catering to busy families and individuals who need a break from the laundry grind. Say goodbye to the endless cycles of washing, drying, and folding – we've got you covered.

At Easy Kleen Laundromat, we offer a comprehensive range of pickup and delivery laundry services to meet your needs. Whether you're looking for wash & fold laundry for your household or commercial laundry solutions for your business, we've got the expertise and resources to get the job done right.

Based in Pinellas Park, FL, our service area extends to nearby neighborhoods and communities. We proudly serve customers in the following zip codes: 91902, 91909, 91910, 91911, 91912, 91913, 91914, 91915, 91921, 91950, & 92179, and 92154 . No matter where you are, we'll come to you, saving you time and effort.

Why choose Easy Kleen Laundromat for your laundry needs? Here are just a few reasons:

  • Convenience: Our pickup and delivery service eliminates the need for you to visit the laundromat. Simply schedule a pickup online, and we'll handle the rest.

  • Time-saving: Free up your schedule and reclaim your weekends by outsourcing your laundry tasks to us. Spend more time doing the things you love, not sorting socks.

  • Quality service: We take pride in delivering top-notch service to every customer. Your clothes will be treated with care and attention to ensure they come back clean and fresh every time.

  • Easy scheduling: Our online scheduling system makes it quick and easy to book your pickup and delivery slots. Just choose a time that works for you, and we'll be there.

  • Competitive pricing: Enjoy affordable rates without sacrificing quality. Our transparent pricing ensures you know exactly what to expect with no hidden fees.

Experience the convenience and quality of Easy Kleen Laundromat's pickup and delivery service today. Schedule your first pickup and discover the joy of never having to do laundry again.

Laundry Done In Just Three Simple Steps:

Laundromat Online Account

Create an Account Online

Creating an account only takes 2 minutes.
Handle all your order details online.

Circle Image

Choose Your Pickup & Delivery Dates

Use the service only as often as you need to.  No subscriptions!

Laundromat Does Your Laundry For You

Sit Back & Relax

Why do laundry every weekend?
Treat yourself, and do something fun instead.



Laundry Service Pricing

Pickup & Deliver
(Next Day)
Per Pound

**$40 Minimum Order (fully applied to your laundry cost)

Try our convenient pick up and delivery service today. Perfect for busy families and individuals.

Easy Kleen offers a variety of pickup and delivery laundry services in Pinellas Park, FL and the surrounding areas. These pickup and delivery laundry services include wash & fold laundry, dry cleaning, and commercial laundry.

Easy Kleen provides laundry pickup and delivery service in Pinellas Park, FL and the surrounding areas.  Our laundromat services the following Pinellas Park zip codes:  33781, and 33782.  Our wash and fold laundry service provides top notch service, and the online scheduling makes it a snap to schedule residential and commercial orders.

If you're looking for things to do in Pinellas Park, FL instead of doing laundry, you have plenty of options. You could visit the Tampa Bay Automobile Museum and admire the vintage cars from around the world. You could go horseback riding on a trail or on the beach with Cypress Breeze Farm Trail Riding. You could relax at Freedom Lake Park and enjoy the playgrounds and picnic areas.